US issues final CVD review results on rebar imports from Turkey

The US Department of Commerce (DOC) has announced the final results of its administrative review of the countervailing duty (CVD) order on certain rebar from Turkey for the period between January 1, 2020, and December 31, 2020. The final subsidy rates are at 0.07 percent for Colakoğlu Dis Ticaret A.S., de minimis, and 2.15 percent for Kaptan Demir Celik and ICDAS Celik Enerji Tersane ve Ulasim Sanayi A.S. In addition, the DOC rescinded the review... Read More

Short Range Outlook : February 2023

Unpredictability persists in global longs market, recession fears may have been exaggerated The global long steel products market is still characterized by unpredictability. China’s impact on the global markets is still an open question and this contributes to the unpredictability for the second quarter. It seems that customers heard too much talk of recession last year and were convinced that all construction would stop in 2023. Actually, it looks... Read More

US DOC continues CVD order on reinforcing bar imports from Turkey

The US Department of Commerce (DOC) has announced the final results of the sunset review on the countervailing duty (CVD) order on rebar from Turkey. The DOC found that revocation of the countervailing duty (CVD) order on the given product from the country would be likely to lead to a continuation or recurrence of subsidies. The final subsidy rate is at 15.99 percent for Habas Sinai ve Tıbbi Gazlar İstihsal Endüstrisi A.S. The countervailing duty... Read More

US issues preliminary CVD review results on rebar from Turkey

The US Department of Commerce (DOC) has announced the preliminary results of its administrative review of the countervailing duty (CVD) order on rebar from Turkey. Accordingly, the DOC has preliminarily determined that Turkish suppliers Kaptan Demir Celik and Icdas received a countervailable subsidy rate at 1.75 percent for the period from January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2019. On the other hand, Colakoglu Dis Ticaret received a subsidy rate... Read More

Short Range Outlook : November 2021

Supply and demand balanced in global longs market, energy costs and logistics bring uncertainties Supply and demand are balanced in the global long steel products market, as regional producers are now back to almost normal lead times.  Energy prices are soaring and logistical challenges have made business more uncertain, though underlying demand remains solid in Europe and North America. The ongoing weakness in China may slow its imports, which could... Read More

Preliminary result of countervailing duty review on rebar from Turkey to the US

The US Department of Commerce (DOC) has announced the affirmative preliminary results of its administrative review of the countervailing duty (CVD) order on reinforcing bars imported from Turkey. Accordingly, the DOC has preliminarily determined that; Kaptan Demir Celik, Colakoglu Dis Ticaret A.S., and Colakoglu Metalürji A.S. received a countervailable subsidy rate at 2.55 percent, while Icdas Celik Enerji Tersane ve Ulasim Sanayi A.S. received... Read More

Short Range Outlook : November 2020

Global longs market becomes even more regionalized amid widespread protectionism The global long steel products market is becoming even more regionalized. All the safeguard measures, tariffs and antidumping and countervailing cases are reducing the global exchange of products more and more. The Covid-19 pandemic gives producers in certain markets the pretext to lobby their governments with even more arguments to get their domestic markets protected... Read More

83rd IREPAS meeting : Global long steel demand more or less same as before pandemic

The  83rd meeting of IREPAS (the International Rebar Exporters and Producers Association) was held as a virtual event to ensure the health and well-being of all participants, on September 21, 2020 in conjunction with the SteelOrbis Fall’20 Conference. There were 205 producer representatives among the 627 registered delegates from a total of 53 different countries. There were also 73 registrations representing 35 different raw material suppliers. At... Read More

US ITC votes to maintain AD/CVD orders on wire rod from five countries

As a result of the US ITC’s affirmative determinations, the existing orders on imports of this product from Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Moldova, and Trinidad and Tobago will remain in place.  Read More

Short Range Outlook : June 2020

Global longs export markets shrink further amid protectionism, Russians dominate As expected, things are getting more difficult for exporters in the global steel market. The EU opened fire with an antidumping investigation on HRC imports from Turkey, with Turkey firing back with duties on steel products from the EU. Canada started a similar investigation against imports of heavy plates from several countries, while Egypt has been working on a 10 percent... Read More

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