Short Range Outlook : August 2017

Good demand in global long steel products market backed by reasonable growth Demand in the global long steel products market is good and steady as reasonable growth is seen to be globally providing support for steel consumption. Chinese steel exports at 2014 levels playing huge role in global supply-demand balance Chinese steel exports are down to 2014 levels after having been considerably higher for the past three years. Obviously the reduced supply... Read More

Short Range Outlook : June 2017

Exporting countries under pressure amid protectionism and increased capacities in traditional import markets The supply-demand balance in the global long steel products market has been worsening over the last few weeks. Protective actions such as antidumping and countervailing duty (CVD) cases and import taxes, coupled with increasing capacities in some traditional import markets, have put export-dependent countries in a difficult situation. Protective... Read More

Short Range Outlook : December 2014

Oversupply still evident Oversupply has been evident in the global long steel market from September up to the end of November, slowing down demand, putting pressure on the market and pushing prices downwards. However, outputs are being reduced in certain areas and demand in the global long steel products market is now at reasonable levels although purchasing processes in general have been delayed or even fragmented due to the general price downtrend.... Read More

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