Short Range Outlook : December 2022

First quarter of 2023 could be very difficult for global long products market Raw material costs are increasing once again and energy prices are expected to be very high at least until March 2023. Mills are facing cost pressures once more in the global long steel products market. Business activity has been reduced during the past month and, even though scrap and iron ore prices have gone up, net margins have either at best kept pace or in some cases... Read More

President Trump increases “Buy American” threshold to 95 percent

US President Donald Trump signed an executive order Monday, July the 15th that will require federal agencies to purchase products using more American components. The order strengthens the standards that federal agencies must follow under the Buy American Act, which creates a preference for American-made goods. Trump said his order will gradually boost the percentage of U.S. components for qualifying American-made products from 50 percent to 75 percent.... Read More
